UPMC School of Cardiovascular Perfusion

Mailing Address:
UPMC School of Cardiovascular Perfusion
Forbes Tower, Suite 7098
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 15213
Phone: 412-647-6158
Program Website
Program Director: Ryan Dzadony, M.Ed., CCP, LP
Email: dzadonyrj@upmc.edu
UPMC School of Cardiovascular Perfusion
Forbes Tower, Suite 7098
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 15213
Phone: 412-647-6158
Program Website
Program Director: Ryan Dzadony, M.Ed., CCP, LP
Email: dzadonyrj@upmc.edu
Sponsoring Institution: UPMC - Carlow University
Program Length: 18 months
Degrees Offered: Masters
Program Length: 18 months
Degrees Offered: Masters